Abiskojaure, Marion and Dani hauling watersupplies
en route to Alesjaurestugorna
on the frozen Alesjaure

Alasjaurestugorna in a blizzard
Alasjaurestugorna in a blizzard
the bridge to Alesjaurestugorna on the Kungsleden
a ripa, a ptarmigan during the mating season
a ripa, a ptarmigan during the mating season
en route to Tjäktja
en route to Tjäktja
en route to Tjäktjastugan


en route to the Tjäktjapasset
en route to the Tjäktjapasset
en route to Sälkastugorna
en route to Sälkastugorna
en route to Sälkastugorna

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